Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can Detroit be saved?

by Peter Greene
So the story is that the leaders of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are kicking it old school. Road trip cross-country.
Can you imagine the great tunes these knuckleheads are listening too?
Anyway, can the US Auto industry be saved? Yes, however they may be owned by the Japanese. Toyota, et al are doing pretty well making cars in the US, their workers are well paid, happy and making car/trucks that Americans want to buy.
I know that this story is not what the "big 3" (laughable) want you hear. They want to invoke flag, country, apple pie, blah, blah, blah.
The true story is that the companies are run worse than a 3rd grader's lemonade stand. When you run your company into the ground, it failed. If you opened a restaurant made bad food would you expect the government to give you a payout to keep making bad food? NO !!! People need cars and trucks, this country, save this world, did not wake up and all decide to start riding bikes or traveling by horseback again.
If that restaurant failed, and people still wanted to eat out in that area a new place(s) would open up. That is what has and will happen to the auto industry. MAYBE, after GM goes chapter 11 and reorganizes with better management (including merging with Chrysler) it can become a good car maker again...Ford may not be savable at all !
That's my rant for this morning...GM, F and Chrysler executives get off the road and get to the courthouse to file those Chapter 11 papers, TODAY!

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